You know, I’ve done so much work in the past five years. This episode is about the dry life and specifically choosing a lifestyle, not a label. My guest today is Kayla Lyons, who is the 28-year-old founder of 1000 hours dry and the host of The Dry Life podcast. She stopped drinking at 23 years old, which is incredibly young.
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Our curiosity about alcohol often begins long before our first drink. According to social learning theory, we learn through observing and imitating others around us. Our first impressions about alcohol are often based on what we see of our parents, family, friends, or people on TV. Socializing without alcohol can help build stronger, more authentic friendships. When you’re not under the influence of alcohol, you may find that you’re able to connect with people on a deeper level.
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So going back, it’s really hard and you know sometimes I’m like fucking I’m gonna have a piece of bread. If I do, I don’t want to be like, Oh, no, I have to start all over, like my journey is ruined all of my hard work. And all of the progress I made is somehow, you know, gone, that’s not true.
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- Thankfully, there are plenty of choices out there that help people either avoid or limit their alcohol consumption, are free from (or extremely low in) added sugars, and taste great.
- So take some time to familiarize yourself with other types of support; the pandemic has led to the rise of virtual options that increase accessibility beyond what you can access in person.
- I lived for decades without it and I never take it for granted.
- So, this is all this kind of negotiating and navigating that you have to do in the kind of first year of sobriety all the firsts, you know, the first time you go on holiday, the foot, you know, and etc.
And some people may not be supportive of your decision to be alcohol-free. If you’re quitting because alcohol was causing problems in your relationships, alcohol free lifestyle then you’re probably hoping to see relationship improvements once you quit. But that can take time, which can be frustrating.
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- Like we’re not because that was one thing that was, you know, kind of taught is to stay in your own lane and not worry about other people’s drinking and I think for sure, like you can’t make other people get sober.
- And when you take that away, you have to do some work on boundaries.
- You know that yoga class you keep saying you’ll go to?